Wednesday 24 April 2013

Our Mini Holiday In Tassie

A spontanious decision to go on a mini holiday saw us booked and leaving in two days time!

We were up early on Sunday and on the road by 7am. After a few stops for food, coffee and a leg stretch we arrived at the Tasmanian Zoo by lunch time.

The zoo was fantastic and I fell in love with these two gorgeous wombats sleeping together. We also made friends with a sheep-goat and the many monkeys were quick to say hi!

The most anticipated part of the zoo was the Jurassic Swamp and finally it was time for our tour. The wander through the bush lead us to some amazing dinosaurs with lots of sound affects along the way.

Our next stop was to The Tamar Valley Resort where we would be spending the next two nights. The jumping pillow was a big hit with the kiddies and even the Daddy! We played our first game of put put mini golf and found that our 5 year old was a natural doing much better than his Mum. We road around on the coolest go carts and raced like were part of the Mario game - Of course I was Princess Peach. We explored the Launceston Museum and check out the Cataract Gorge in the pouring rain!

We had our first dinner out in years! The boys we so well behaved and what a treat to sit down and be severed on.

Our last day on our trip ended with a beautiful cruise up the river. The first time the boys have been on a boat. We were lucky to have a sunny morning and going up into the gorge was amazing.

Soon it was time to head on our 3 1/2 hour drive home. We timed it perfectly with the kids and they were fast asleep for most of the way. It was a lovely mini holiday with only a few bumps and grazed knees...Oh and one black fingernail after it was jammed in a car door!

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