Wednesday 24 April 2013

Baking Soda And Vinegar Wizard's Brew

A rainy afternoon of colourful, bubbly explosions is just what we needed today. 

Time to whip up some Wizard's Brew!

Fill some cups half way with white vinegar and add a few drops of food colouring. Sprinkle in some glitter to add the magic and a good squirt of dish washing up liquid. (This helps to add extra bubbly fun)!

Time to give it all a good stir with a metal spoon...Now the super fun part. Add a heaped teaspoon of baking soda into your cup and watch what happens! 

Our wizard's brew has bubbled and doubled but not quite enough so...

Time to step it up by adding a little bit more baking soda and give it a quick stir...TaDa our wizard's brew is brewing nicely.

The colours are overflowing and the effect is fabulous - Our wizard's brew is complete! Until I had one last idea...

Add a piece of paper towel to soak up the gorgeous colourful, bubbly experiment and turn it into a work of art!

A Perfectly Messy experiment!

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