Sunday 28 April 2013

Climbing Critters

Simple to make and lots of fun to play with...Its Climbing Critters time!

First thing you will need is your critters. I use a fantastic site called Open Clipart. Here is the link to the bee I used. I click on the PNG button then drag the picture onto my desktop (I use a Mac) Its as easy as that! I then placed the three pictures onto one piece of paper in word, printed, laminated and cut them out.

Now gather your materials, you will need a piece of thread for each critter about 1m long. I used wool for ours. Two 3cm pieces of drinking straws per critter, a coin per critter and a couple of beads or matchsticks.

Stick the coin to the bottom of the critter, this will give him a bit of weight to slide down the thread. Stick the straws as shown to the back of your critters.

Now thread your wool up through the first straw and back down the second straw. To secure the ends add a bead or a match stick to prevent the wool from falling through the straws. 

Your climbing critter is ready to try. We used a door handle to hang them off. To make them climb pull the ends of the wool apart, once at the top let go of the wool and they will slide back down.


Have fun creating your Perfectly Messy climbing critters!

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