Saturday 13 April 2013

And so it begins

Welcome to My Perfectly Messy!

I am a slight perfectionist that tends to make a mess while I create. I put it down to being a rat in my Chinese Horoscope, I like piles and my piles are organised to me...why change a good thing?

As a homeschooling Mum I put so much time and energy into my boys - this blog is for me. Its my place to unwind from what can sometimes be the most challenging day. Share the good, bad and messy of our life in a creative way.

And so it begins with me here lying on the couch full of cold and flu tablets, tissues and hoping the pounding in my head subsides just enough to get up and make myself my coffee. Watching my three bears eat their morning porridge in silence, the only time the boys in my life are quiet! Soon they will be bursting with energy, Papa bear leading the way with his two cubs in toe. Ready for their day of adventure while I yet again am struggling for energy, the couch being my best friend while I watch on and wish to be running around.

My perfectly Messy has started and so we begin here!

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